Door Prizes: We will be giving out door prizes from various vendors and reporters. If you would like to donate a door prize, please bring the item to the convention and give it to the people at the registration table.
Social Package: For those of you who are retired or would like to reunite with old friends or attend the business meeting but do not wish to attend the seminars, WCRA continues to offer a social package. This includes Saturday’s breakfast, lunch/business meeting, snack, and Sunday’s breakfast. The cost will vary for each convention based on the hotel charges. It does not include admission to the seminars.
Sponsor-A-Student: Our students need sponsors. Your donations would be greatly appreciated. Please check the “student sponsor” area of your registration form. STUDENTS ARE OUR FUTURE!!
Stentura Ribbons for Steno Machines: Please bring any Stentura Ribbon cartridges IN ANY SHAPE you have extra to the registration table to be used for future A to Z Programs in Wisconsin. If you want to donate an old steno machine or have any questions, please contact Lori Baldauf at She can provide you a donation receipt for tax purposes.
Steno Machine Cleaning & Tuning: Steve Worth from Worth Business Equipment will be available Saturday to clean and tune up machines. He services most steno machines with a couple of exceptions. If you know that you need a specific part (tripod, display, etc.), Steve would like to know ahead of time so he has the parts available. You will need to schedule a time slot with him directly, and he will notify you of his current cleaning prices. Contact him at (773) 777-1474 or e-mail him at
STUDENT BASKET RAFFLE: Do some of your holiday “shopping” here!
If you have a basket to contribute to the raffle or need help in getting the basket to the convention, please e-mail, text, or call Paulette Norby-Knoll at,, or (920) 209-2785, with a general description of the contents of the basket/theme.
We are bringing the wine pull back this year! Consider donating a bottle of wine ($7 minimum value).
$10 to pull a cork. Every cork is a winner! Limited to the number of bottles on hand.
Grand prize: Wine clutch and a bottle of wine
Sharon S. Richardson Community Hospice is an independent, nonprofit that began its mission in 2007 to provide compassionate care and quality of life to all those in need that serves the people of Calumet, Fond du Lac, Manitowoc, Ozaukee, Sheboygan and Washington Counties.
To read more about this organization, click here: Charity 2019 Susan Richardson Hospice