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Membership Levels

Be a part of the Wisconsin organization that represents the interest of court reporters, captioners, CART providers and students.

Being a member of WCRA provides great opportunities for camaraderis and networking, reduced rate educational opportunities through attendance at Association sponsored conventions twice a year, and the pride of being a part of an organization that represents the profession that you have chosen.

View the document below to learn about the value of your membership in the Wisconsin Court Reporters Association (Tri-fold Brochure).
What Your Association Does For You

Regular Member - $100
Any person who is skilled and primarily engaged in The Profession shall be eligible to become a Regular Member.

Beginning Reporter - $50
Any person who has graduated from an NCRA or NVRA approved training program shall be eligible within twelve months of graduation to become a Beginning Member.

Associate Member - $40
The following are eligible to become Associate Members:

  1. Any instructor of The Profession or anyone connected in any official capacity with a school or college offering courses in The Profession.
  2. Any person actively engaged in transcribing, scoping, or proofreading for Practitioners of The Profession.
  3. Any other person who is interested in  the preservation, support, and advancement of The Profession. Associate Members shall not vote or hold office.

Student Member - $20 

  1. Any student enrolled in a training program approved by NCRA or NVRA shall be eligible to become a Student Member.
  2. Student Members shall not vote nor hold office.


Payment of dues:
All membership renewal fees are due one year from time of joining WCRA or date of renewal.  A $20 fee may be added to any payment not received by due date.  All members whose dues are not paid each year will be dropped from the roll of membership.

Join or Renew by Mail:
Download and complete the New Membership Application. Mail application and payment payable to WCRA to:

Colleen Clark
WCRA - Treasurer
5734 Oxbow Bend
Madison, WI  53716

If you have any comments, concerns, or questions about our association, or you would like additional information about court reporting as a profession, please contact us at president.wcra@gmail.com.

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