October 28 - 30, 2022
Madison College - Truax Campus
1701 Wright Street
Madison, WI
******** Fall 2022 Convention Agenda Speaker Bios
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ADDITIONAL CONVENTION INFORMATION Social Package: For those of you who are retired or would like to reunite with old friends or attend the business meeting but do not wish to attend the seminars, WCRA continues to offer a social package. This includes Saturday’s breakfast, lunch/business meeting, snack, and Sunday’s breakfast. The cost will vary for each convention based on the hotel charges. It does not include admission to the seminars. Sponsor-A-Student: Our students need sponsors. Your donations would be greatly appreciated. Please check the “student sponsor” area of your registration form. STUDENTS ARE OUR FUTURE!! Steno Machine Cleaning & Tuning: Steve Worth from Worth Business Equipment will be available Saturday to clean and tune up machines. He services most steno machines with a couple of exceptions. If you know that you need a specific part (tripod, display, etc.), Steve would like to know ahead of time so he has the parts available. You will need to schedule a time slot with him directly, and he will notify you of his current cleaning prices. Contact him at (773) 777-1474 or e-mail him at worth4154@msn.com.
Sponsor-A-Student: Our students need sponsors. Your donations would be greatly appreciated. Please check the “student sponsor” area of your registration form. STUDENTS ARE OUR FUTURE!!
Steno Machine Cleaning & Tuning: Steve Worth from Worth Business Equipment will be available Saturday to clean and tune up machines. He services most steno machines with a couple of exceptions. If you know that you need a specific part (tripod, display, etc.), Steve would like to know ahead of time so he has the parts available. You will need to schedule a time slot with him directly, and he will notify you of his current cleaning prices. Contact him at (773) 777-1474 or e-mail him at worth4154@msn.com.
NOTE: WCRA convention registrations must be completed on our website at www.wicourtreporters.org. Your secure online payment will be made through PayPal. You do not need to have a PayPal account to use the service.
If you wish to pay by check, you must complete and submit the registration information online. At the end of the process, you are given the choice to pay by credit card online or manually. Choose manual, print off your registration form, and mail with your payment payable to WCRA to:
Mail to:
Colleen Clark, Treasurer 5734 Oxbow Bend Madison, WI 53716 ALL MAILED REGISTRATIONS AND PAYMENTS MUST BE POSTMARKED BY THE DEADLINE DATES LISTED ABOVE. IF YOU ARE MAILING IT AFTER A DEADLINE DATE, PLEASE WRITE YOUR CHECK FOR THE APPROPRIATE AMOUNT. CANCELLATION POLICY: There is a cancellation fee of $25 with notice of 5 days before start of convention and $50 if cancelled less than 5 days before. The remaining portion of your registration will be deferred for a period of one year for use at a WCRA convention or membership renewal. Cash refunds will not be given. Questions? Contact Meredith Seymour. Email: president.wcra@gmail.com
If you have any comments, concerns, or questions about our association, or you would like additional information about court reporting as a profession, please contact us at president.wcra@gmail.com.